
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Emmy and Oliver by Robin Benway

I realized my reviews are a lot longer than other peoples. I will now try to condense them and making them even more straight-forward. Keyword: Try.

Emmy and Oliver 

by Robin Benway 

Release Date: June 2015

This is a cute, quick, light-hearted summer read. A book you can easily read in one sitting. About love starting from when you were a child growing as you get older. Almost fairytale-like; and unrealistic. But that's why we read books right? Not for it to be real, but to love an idea and live it. 

"Love isn't something you say, It's something you do."

This book is about a boy, Oliver, who is kidnapped by his father. Oliver comes back "home" and tries to figure out who he is and what he wants. Emmy, Oliver's neighbor, befriends Oliver (again) when he comes home, and things begin to bloom. My favorite characters are the side characters: Cara and Drew. Very sassy and dynamic. I absolutely love them. 

All-in-all, this book is utterly and completely predictable modern contemporary read. Its sweet and sappy; which I cute. As you read, you know what will happen next. Not that that is a bad thing. It makes it to be a sweet light book. Nothing too deep or crazy happens. Some wit and giggle, but no pulling of the heart strings. 

Have you ever noticed that most contemporary books climax/plot/problem is about not communicating? Like, If they talked about the problem from the beginning, this huge event would not have happened. I understand it's a book, It needs events and angst. I rather see events happening from bad choices or the universe brings shit into our lives, rather than from communication. If teens read these books and think lying and not having communication is cute, then you cant "learn from these books". You can't learn to love or have friendship when you can't even talk to the other person. If you want to be treated like an adult, then you have to act like one. I've taken several Human Development and Family and Relationship Development at school; So no communication is a giant pet-peeve of mine. 

TL;DR: If you like Sarah Dessen books, then you'll like this. I find this book more cute and fun than Dessen's. 

I received an ARC for an honest review. C:

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