
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Author Harassing a Reviewer?

There is tons of controversy about an Author, Andrea Smith, harassing a reviewer. So far its only been to this one reviewer, but I am still researching. Being a human being, you have to realize not everyone is going to like you or the things you do. As an artist, filmmaker, or author, you need to learn that as quick as possible. 

Jan 30th 2013, A review was made: HERE; She spoke her mind and posted it. Granted, it wasn't the best review. But we all like different books and writing styles. We are not the sameLater the author commented on the review attacking the reviewer! Really? How unprofessional. Especially when your job relies on people to review your books. Realizing it is deleted now; I am in search of it. 

Now the same author, Andrea Smith, has made a new book. 
Black Balled. The original synopsis was removed and changed (so that it the story wasn't "too obvious".), but the story line stays the same. 

Original Synopsis:

She slightly tweaked the names, ever so slightly. You know who she is talking about. Her and the reviewer. Not only did she harass the reviewer; she wrote a book out it. Can we say RUDE?! What gives her the right to verbally attack her reviewers?

EDIT: I love the support of the book community of not taking her sh*t. Also, on top of all this, Andrea Smith reviewed and gave her book 5 stars. It is basically a slap in the face to readers. Saying how she doesn't care about what we think or the time we spent reading and reviewing. 
All I can say is; This is how you destroy your career. 

What are your feelings and thoughts on this?
Do you think the author is justified? or not?
How would you react if an author came at you for posting a less than great review?
Will you read any of Andrea Smith's books after this event?

Also, if you know or have more information, that would be great!

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